Egg Salad

Egg Salad
Servings: 4

10 eggs
½ cup mayonnaise
½ tsp mustard
Salt & Pepper

1.   Fill a medium sized saucepan with cold water and place eggs gently in the bottom.
2.   Heat saucepan and eggs over medium high heat until boiling. Set timer for 4 minutes.
3.   As soon as timer goes off, remove eggs from heat and cover saucepan. Set timer for 20 minutes.
4.   As soon as time goes off, drain hot water from saucepan and fill with cold water. Allow to cool eggs for a minute or two then drain and fill with cold water again. Let eggs cool until easy to handle.
5.   Peel eggs and place in a large flat bottomed bowl. Mash eggs with a potato masher until desired consistency.
6.   Add remaining ingredients to bowl and stir until combined.

Nutrition: 359 calories; 32g fat; 475mg cholesterol; 364mg sodium; 173mg potassium; 1g carb; 0g fiber; 0g sugar; 16g protein


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